Friday, April 5, 2024

Make a Pro Blush

The dimly lit karaoke bar hummed with the buzz of alcohol-fueled conversations and the occasional off-key rendition of pop hits. It was the kind of place where dreams went to die, or at least that’s what Lily believed. She sat perched on a barstool, nursing her whiskey, her eyes scanning the room with a practiced detachment. The neon sign outside flickered, casting an eerie glow on the cracked leather upholstery.

Lily had seen it all. As a former escort, she’d danced with men who wore their loneliness like a badge of honor. They’d whispered sweet nothings in her ear, promising her the world, only to vanish into the night, leaving her with empty pockets and a heart as cold as the ice cubes clinking in her glass.

Tonight, she was just another face in the crowd—a woman with a past she wanted to forget and a future she wasn’t sure she deserved. The karaoke machine crooned out tunes, and Lily watched as people stumbled up to the stage, their liquid courage propelling them into the spotlight. She’d given up on love a long time ago, but she still had her voice. And so, when the familiar intro of “Bette Davis Eyes” began, she couldn’t resist.

Her heels clicked against the scuffed floor as she made her way to the stage. The microphone felt heavy in her hand, but as the first notes escaped her lips, something shifted. The room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward her. Lily closed her eyes, losing herself in the lyrics. For those few minutes, she wasn’t a jaded woman with a tarnished past; she was just a girl singing her heart out.

And then she saw him—a stranger leaning against the bar, his gaze fixed on her. His eyes were the color of storm clouds, and there was a hint of sadness in them. He didn’t look away when she met his stare; instead, he raised his glass in silent appreciation. Lily’s heart skipped a beat. Maybe, just maybe, this was different.

When the song ended, the applause was genuine. Lily stepped off the stage, her legs wobbly from both the whiskey and the adrenaline. The stranger was waiting for her, his smile tentative but sincere.

“Beautiful voice,” he said, his voice gravelly. “You made me forget about my own troubles for a moment.”

Lily chuckled. “That’s the magic of karaoke, isn’t it? Temporary escape.”

He extended his hand. “I’m Alex.”

“Lily,” she replied, surprised at how easily the words came. “What brings you here?”

He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear. “I heard a rumor that the woman singing ‘Bette Davis Eyes’ was the most intriguing person in the room.”

Lily’s heart fluttered. “Intriguing, huh? You don’t know the half of it.”

Alex studied her, his eyes searching. “Maybe I’d like to find out.”

And just like that, the walls Lily had built around her heart began to crumble. Maybe this was her chance—a fresh start, a new chapter. She glanced at the karaoke machine, its screen still displaying the song title. “Make a pro blush,” she murmured.

Alex chuckled. “Well, Lily, consider me intrigued.”

As they talked, Lily realized that maybe hope wasn’t such a dangerous thing after all. Perhaps, in the glow of the neon lights, she could find a love that didn’t come with an expiration date. And as she leaned in to kiss Alex, she wondered if this was her chance to rewrite her story—to make a pro blush and believe in second chances.

Note: The karaoke song “Bette Davis Eyes” by Kim Carnes is a classic hit from the 1980s, known for its sultry lyrics and memorable melody.

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