Wednesday, January 20, 2021

wine-colored words

in-between my asexuality and being gay😔❤️💔

I am too defeated by anti-gay rhetoric to fight it anymore. People such as Everett Piper write exhaustively about gays and lesbians as if they are evil incarnate and it almost seems as Piper and his like can focus on nothing else but gay people. Never once does the anti-gay crowd acknowledge that being gay is not only about sex and that, for many of us in the LGBTQ community, often it is _never_ about sex.

Another group of people that often get misunderstood and maligned are those who are asexual. They are either totally (and falsely) denied who they are ("there's no such thing as asexuality") or they are told to just keep quiet about something no one wants to hear.

I am so upset right now I cannot adequately express what is in my heart and on my mind. I do know, though, that asexuality is very much real _and_ that you can be asexual and lesbian and be in with love someone, deeply and purely, past or present.