Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Random thoughts on Hell

In the new movie "Drag Me To Hell" the main character is cursed and tormented after evicting an elderly woman from her house. I haven't seen it yet, but I'm sort of intrigued by the title and the poster and by thoughts of what exactly does a person do that sends them into Hell?

...if Hell exists, what is it exactly? and why are some people so sure they know who's going? my friends and i like to joke that if we're going to Hell, at least we'll all be together, but somehow I don't think it's a social club down there...

more soon...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah I saw the trailer for the movie but had no idea what it was about. My friends and I also say "at least we will have company" when referring to going to hell. But I agree with you hell is not a social gathering. Just the idea of it being hot is enough torment for me :) ( I despise the heat anything over 75 and I am miserable) But hell is probably something along the lines of: think about the worst thing that could happen to you (besides your own death) and that event will happen to you continuously for eternity in hell. Each time you will be emotionally invested in the act, and experiencing the repeated pain and torment. Sound crazy? I dunno anything tamer than that we be too tolerable.