Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Nation

National ReviewEven though I'm a flaming liberal, I like to read both perspectives when it comes to politics, so that means The Nation AND National Review...but this recent item in The Nation about the Texas Board of Education's changes to the school system's curriculum has me seeing red....unbelievable stuff and very scary that it's going to happen; Conservatives often foam at the mouth about Liberal bias and yet isn't this what they're doing...again: unfrickingbelievable!!: (link to article)

I shudder at the thought of how the lesson on Phyllis Schlafly and the Moral Majority would be taught (more like propaganda, I bet)...just as some of the far far right do today these people tried to excuse their hateful views by calling them 'traditional values.'...With an agenda like the one the Texas Board of Education wants, would there be any room for truth and fairness? I am so glad I live in a state with a more realistic sense of what learning is!!

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