If tomorrow were going to be the end of the world (or more specifically, The Rapture) I know I'd regret some of the things I've never done (like falling in love with someone who loved me back) but it's the things I had done that would bother me more.
I used to wonder about Heaven and whether you get to be with the people you loved and haven't seen in a long time. Whether you bump into people like you would at a reunion.
If I thought for a moment that tomorrow truly could be the last day, I'd be a bit freaked right now. So many things never done, never attempted, so many songs never sung, never heard :(
The blissful hi-kick drive and euphoria I feel every time I hear a great new song (like "Undercover," pictured above) and am convinced will be the last time I'll ever feel so good (and yet am proved wrong the next time I hear another terrific song) is just one little reminder why I never want to stop breathing.
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