Monday, July 4, 2011

I'm sort of bummed to be staying inside on the 4th of July, but have to be rested up for work I've been enjoying the Bewitched marathon on TvLand and mellowing in the sounds of the cd sampler from Mojo's July issue, the music magazine's collaboration with the Communion record label.

It's so rare that I like every song on every sampler or cd I get to listen to...but in the case of this one: Oh. My. Gosh. Beautiful, beautiful stuff...

Stand-outs include: Michael Kiwanuka's "Tell Me A Tale"...Ben Howard's "Three Tree Town"...Jay Jay Pistolet's "Vintage Red"...Behjamin Francis Leftwich's "More Than Letters"....Kyla La Grange's "Walk Through Walls" (sounds a bit like Florence and the Machine in the best way possible!) and Daughter's "Peter" (this one is absolutely heart-breaking)

The Mojo "Collective Worship" inset of the mag (pp. 80 and 81) mentions Leftwich's "fine knack for a melody"...of all the tracks on this album, "More Than Letters" is the one I can't get out of my heart or head. I'm so excited there's more what that came from on Benjamin Francis Leftwich's new release, Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm.

This is why music magazines can be so discover more and more artists whose music you just have to have!:)

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