Thursday, July 17, 2014

I will never understand boredom. To me it seems like a wasted luxury. There are so few free hours in the world to do extra things like read the books you want to read or go for nature walks, explore the larger world or have time to do whatever just for yourself. When you get that extra time it feels like a gift.

As if The Novel: A Biography wasn't giving me more ideas of what to read there's the above which is much more comprehensive and less mainstream than I would have thought. It's full of fascinating ideas for what to read next, including a rarely mentioned novel by Daniel Defoe called Roxana:

1001 Books starts chronologically from the 1600s and goes until now; the selections are varied and intriguing. Many of the ones mentioned that were written before the 1920s can be downloaded for free by going to Google Play and looking them up title:

Google Play

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