Sunday, July 27, 2014

I'm listening to my Styx's Greatest Hits album and wondering why I feel a bit shameful for it. "Babe" gets so much hate, even if I'm convinced some people secretly love it. "Mr. Roberto" seems to be many people's guilty pleasure. I admit neither song is very deep or always pleasing to the ear, but there's something kind of wonderfully hammy about both of them.

On there's much to be said from the lovers and the haters. I like this comment since I've always loved "I Go Crazy" by Paul Davis:

In the refrain to this song, just before the "Babe, I love you!" lyric, is some unknown instrument playing a pattern of 5 notes (4 notes, one played twice), & the pattern played multiple times. It's perfectly identical to that note pattern at the end of the refrain of "I Go Crazy" by Paul Davis. Same time signature in fact. Only a different key & octave, & probably a diff. instrument. But whenever I hear one, I always think of the other. Coincidence or not? Of course, "Babe" also has the same time signature & very similar melody to "The Best of Times", which I'm *quite sure* was no coincidence, since it's by the same group. Again, when I hear one, it reminds me of the other.
- Drew, B'ham, AL

On the straight dope message board, someone asks "What's with the Styx hate?"

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