Friday, July 25, 2014

Great Friday music...

"Jimmy Mack" is a good way to jump start your day, especially if you're in an oldies but goodies kind of mood. Karen Carpenter once covered it for an album she never got to see released and as much as I love her singing, I have never cared for her version as much as the original.

Also good for the spirits is "Oye Como Va," specifically Tito Puente's version of off Mambo Birdland. At over five and a half minutes, it's the most delightful jam I think I've ever heard. As Tito says at the end, "Did You Feel It?"

Most indeed!! :)

Oh, wow, is I Love You But I Must Drive Off This Cliff Now wonderfully sultry and sophisticated pop, perfect for summer. A bit like the bird and the bee with a little Lily Allen and lots of sixties lounge music thrown in, this album is just amazing. At first, I thought "Did We Live Too Fast" was too good for the rest of the cd to compete with, but I was wrong. Each of the eleven tracks that follow the bewitching kick-off stand up well, with maybe the exception of the guitar-fizzed, potty-mouthed, but still kind of fun "Da Da Da."

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