Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday papers...

Spending the late morning listening to music (thanks to Pandora I discovered<<this<<album) with The New York Times, The Sunday Times, The Guardian and Wall Street Journal papers, I'm finding some neat articles. I mostly go through all the major papers to get a feel for the book reviews, but sometimes the more feature-oriented pieces appeal to me:

*The last album imaginable you'd picture impressing a member of The Ramones:

* Can you use the rules of Poker in every day life? I hope so. I don't play cards, but I would love to know how humans can better hide how we really feel: (from Parade magazine):

*I have become addicted to reading the Sunday Times these past few weeks. There's something about the 'other side of the pond' I just can't enough of...You can't really learn anything from this, but it's still a funny and surprisingly poignant article written by a man wondering if hitting forty means things are going downhill:

*There's an absolutely fascinating examination of great forgotten reads in "Good reads go Dutch," an article I can't find online anywhere, but is well worth getting your hands on if you can find a print copy. Among the many "good reads" mentioned are gems like these:

*A very interesting, compassionate look at obesity as a massive health scare that nevertheless often brings ridicule and judgment from those who do not understand:

Pandora got my hopes up when I heard this beautiful cover of "Ave Maria" by Siphiwo off his album Hope. But in an example of maddening searches over the Internet the bring nothing back, I can't find the song anywhere for purchase (digitally) or even to play on You Tube. Pandora's Opera Radio is good, but often plays certain selections over a lot so maybe it will play again soon. It is so lovely, even for how lovely "Ave Maria" is...

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