Tuesday, August 26, 2014

One of my very favorite episodes of Fringe is called "6B," named after an apartment from the plot, where enduring love (and a perfectly understandable inability to let go of it) is the source of all things strange within the entire building. 

This is what Peter says when he is trying to encourage Alice (a devoted widow who has been able to see who she thinks is her dead husband in a parallel universe) to go:

"I know, I know, but you've already had what most of us only dream of... a lifetime with the person you love. Look around you, your entire house is filled with mementos -- photographs, ticket stubs, evidence of a life shared with somebody. Proof that what you and Derek had was true and real. And I know that when you have something so real, you'll do anything to keep from losing it. But please, you have to let him go."

It is indeed (I imagine) what a lot of us only dream of...and never find. Still, I do find happiness is seeing others find it. Maybe that's why I like the "Weddings & Celebrations" section of the New York Times so much:


For more about the Fringe episode, read here:


I love that in this particular episode the symbols*, that always appear on the screen before commercial breaks, spell out "hearts."

*a leaf, a frog, a woman's profile, a handprint are some:


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