Wednesday, March 25, 2015

...because if you don't laugh, you'll cry

The above isn't really that kind to humans, but somehow it still makes me laugh, even though I probably shouldn't. It's horrible when someone (you think, at least) used to like you enough as a human being suddenly can't bear your company anymore. This week has been especially kind of hard because I'm starting to worry the damage is permanent and we will not only never be good friends, but struggle even in the most basic of acquaintance.

They are too polite to say so, but I can see it in their eyes and the way they avoid direct contact...I feel like I'm back in high school again, only this time (at least I hope not) I didn't make any overtures of unwelcome friendship, because this time around I knew almost immediately they wouldn't be wanted. My feelings must have just come through by osmosis or my inability to put on a good poker face. 

Now, I don't know what to do. It's always been a bit of a challenge trying to balance being nice without being a pain, but I know it's not my imagination these past few weeks. This article below has some helpful advice, though I suspect it's meant for younger people. After all, as a grown woman, I should probably have this all down pat by now.

Here's the article, with emphasis on this (for me):

...but reacting badly to the situation will only make you look desperate.

The thing is, though, right or wrong, I still care about this person and hope things are going okay for her. Since I can't really ask, I'll have to settle for wishing her well within my own thoughts and heart. I don't see the harm in that.

If... If I could, though, I would say, I am so sorry you are going through so much right now. I wish I could make things better for you and your family." But no matter how I wish I could and how sincere I would be, I can never say that to her. She doesn't want my concern nor my friendship and I have to accept that...

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