Thursday, April 16, 2015

This article is just says so much about solitude, though I'm still absorbing it all and have a lot more to take in (it's great, really, but very dense in scope.)

Besides the fact that living by yourself can sometimes be lonely, the other troublesome thing (for me, at least) is this thoughtless perception that "solitaries" (to use the author's words) somehow have it "easier" than couples or families. Not only is this not true, but other people have no idea why someone else may be living on their own or what goes on in that person's life.

We all can be lonely, no matter how we physically live. And we all can be very responsible and perpetually busy, no matter if we are partnered or not.


Lady Disdain said...

This is one of those "omgosh that's so true!" posts. We do tend to romanticise the solitary ones, while also depicting such lives as tragic. I think I'm included in this - I dream of getting to be on my own, but at the same time I can't help thinking how difficult it could be.

I guess, in the end, as with everything in this world, it has its pros and cons as well.

just a girl said...

Being solitary definitely does have its pros and cons. There are definitely times that can be hard when you live alone, but I find great comfort in writers who have spent time on the subject of solitude (which the article from Harper's gets into) and really get how that it can be as beautiful as it can be tragic.

I remember before I moved out on my own in my 20s I dreamed about it as was hard to adjust to at first, but also amazingly exciting. I'm trying to channel those feelings again :)