Sunday, May 3, 2015

Sometimes I worry that my Saturday nights as an adult (staying home with books and music and tea) are pretty much the same as they were in middle school and high school.

And, then, that makes me worry that I'm the same girl I was then...which would be horrible, because not changing at all in almost thirty years would show a complete lack of personal growth on my part.

These are two articles I found on personality changes, one of which is more broad in scope:

and the other directly aimed at high school and whether we really do change from who we were as teens. This one really interests me because it addresses why our musical tastes are often strongest when it comes to what we listened to in our youth:

"Our self-image from those years, in other words, is especially adhesive. So, too, are our preferences. “There’s no reason why, at the age of 60, I should still be listening to the Allman Brothers,” Steinberg says. “Yet no matter how old you are, the music you listen to for the rest of your life is probably what you listened to when you were an adolescent.” Only extremely recent advances in neuroscience have begun to help explain why."

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