Saturday, July 11, 2015

This book is really so much more than its cover suggests>>>I cannot recommend it enough!         
"The reflection I see is vastly different from what others see- something many doctors have corroborated.  And the hardest part is that people think this is a case of false modesty or   fishing for compliments, when really it comes from a far darker, sadder place." 

"But as it’s said over and over in many ways you can’t love anyone else fully until you love yourself. Despite all my relationship highs and lows, the relationship with myself has been the most tumultuous and continues to be the one I need to work on the most.  I find it easier to tell someone else I love them than tell myself the same, and that needs to change."

Another book with self-image themes, this one focusing exclusively on eating disorders and exercise addition and often very disturbing, is Diary Of An Exercise Addict by Peach Friedman. I find myself not sure what to make of it. On the surface, it feels like the author is rather vain, but the more you get into the book, the more you understand how both her eating disorder and exercise addiction have such power over her and that vanity is not really what Peach is all about. And there are some very painfully familiar passages like this one:

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