"Especially Heinous: 272 Views of Law & Order SVU" is a novella written by Carmen Maria Machado in 2013. This weird tale unfolds through 272 capsule synopses, each encapsulating a distinct perspective from the initial 12 seasons of the police procedural series, Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. Originally featured in The American Reader in May 2013, the novella is also included in Machado's 2017 short story compilation, Her Body and Other Parties.
"Law and Order: SVU" is renowned for its unflinching portrayal of heinous crimes, particularly those of a sexual nature. The series focuses on the Special Victims Unit, a team of dedicated detectives who navigate the intricacies of sexual assault and abuse cases. The exploration of power dynamics and the abuse of authority is a central theme that echoes throughout the series.
Similarly, Carmen Maria Machado's Her Body and Other Parties dissects power imbalances in various forms. Through a series of surreal and haunting tales, Machado explores the ways in which power is wielded, misused, and resisted, often using the female body as a focal point for her narratives.
The stories challenge societal norms, inviting readers to reconsider their understanding of power and its implications. Despite the bizarre nature of "Especially Heinous" and how it deviates somewhat from the actual SVU, the story fits perfectly with the other stories.
In both the TV series and the short story collection, vulnerability takes center stage. "Law and Order: SVU" portrays the raw and often harrowing experiences of victims as they navigate the criminal justice system. The show humanizes survivors and highlights the strength required to overcome trauma.
Machado's Her Body and Other Parties similarly places vulnerability at its core. Her narratives delve into the emotional and physical vulnerabilities of characters, challenging traditional notions of strength and weakness. Machado's stories often blur the lines between reality and fantasy, creating a space where vulnerability is not a flaw but a powerful force in its own right.
While "Law and Order: SVU" primarily follows law enforcement officials in their pursuit of justice, Machado's stories offer a more nuanced exploration of the concept. Justice, in "Her Body and Other Stories," is not always served through traditional means. Machado prompts readers to question societal norms and consider alternative forms of justice that may involve personal growth, self-acceptance, and the reclamation of one's agency.
"Law and Order: SVU" and Her Body and Other Parties may exist in different realms of storytelling, but their thematic resonance is undeniable.
Both works challenge audiences to confront uncomfortable truths about power, vulnerability, and justice. Whether through the screen or the written word, these narratives serve as poignant reminders of the importance of empathy, understanding, and the ongoing pursuit of a more just and equitable society.
You can read the story here: