I'm finding I have less and less energy and heart to be angry about Trump and 2025. I wouldn't quite call it giving up or depression, more like any feeble attempt to fight is immediately toppled over by something as simple as a feather.
I can't even get worked up over reading (and I'll take this with a grain of salt as I haven't seen this happen in the library I am a part of) that LGBTQ+ books are being ordered by librarians at a significantly lower percentage. Not even seeing that Disney is pulling a trans character from an upcoming movie has upset me, at least not like it would have in the past.
Instead, there is this detached resignation that has bled into all areas of my life, so that I really don't care about anything anymore except my cat and (if I can find the oomph during the day) a good book to read.
These issues are still important to me and it's not that I'm giving up because they don't directly affect my life (I'm a celibate asexual lesbian with no partner nor interest in dating nor do I have any queer friends). I still care about queer issues because they are human issues and I see people out there who do have partners and are in love and happy and they deserve to be able to stay that way.
The reason the fight is gone in me and that I no longer get riled up like I used to is that all of those reactions have burned out. It's almost impossible to live life 24/7 outraged and devastated by a world that is so hard to bear.
Even so, the small but not insignificant part of me that still feels things deeply is a bit gutted by this from a recent article on Disney's decision:
“The episode in its final form was so beautiful — and beautifully illustrated some of the experiences of being trans — and it was literally going to save lives by showing those who feel alone and unloved that there are people out there who understand. So it’s just very frustrating that Disney has decided to spend money to not save lives.”