Friday, January 31, 2025

I saw this the other day and thought it pretty much captured how I feel about how some of my straight friends see being gay especially since Trump came back into office. 

One friend, in particular, just doesn’t get it so I shut up and don’t talk about it, but when I first came out to her, she said she was there for me no matter what. 

Now I realize there was something she didn’t say that was also part of her acceptance, meaning as long as I don’t talk about it at all, ever, she’s “ok with who I am.”

She regularly goes to Chick-fil-A and when she brings the food back she plops it right down in front of me and says sorry very sarcastically before she picks it back up and walks away. A long time ago I stopped explaining to her that Chick-fil-A still quietly gives to anti-gay causes so I’m not sure why says anything.

I’m too tired to fight battles anymore. But I will say I’d rather friends have said to me they don’t accept me and be honest than say they do but show otherwise with microaggressions.

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