Friday, June 26, 2009

The album "Junior" by Royksopp is so incredibly ethereal at times (at others very poppy) that it can't help but make me feel like I'm on a whole other level of the wayyou feel in dreams.

Speaking of dreams...

I'm fascinated by what I think of as "opposite dreams," the ones you have where you wake up sad because the dream was so good and so beautiful and completely opposite from the real-life event it's about...and conversely>> bad dreams (that you're glad to wake up from) about good things going on in your life.

One example of an "opposite dream" is when a loved one who has died in real life is alive and happy...those dreams are very hard to wake up from. And sometimes you dream that something horrible has happened to you or someone close to you and you are so relieved to wake and discover it was all a lie...and of course sometimes you dream a bad thing and wake up and remember it really did happen...still, in a crazy surprising way, that doesn't hurt nearly as much as waking from a wonderful dream and discovering it was just that...a dream.

And speaking of dreams...I find it very odd that the content of your dreams doesn't always match the emotions...sort of like the Gary Jules song "Mad World," when he sings that the dreams he's had about dying are some of the best he's ever had. The weirdest, darkest things we dream of can sometimes thrill us in dreams....for me it's zombies and transformation and funhouse mirrors.

on a completely different note...I really like the new Black Eyed Peas's great for exercising and dancing to

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