Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Music has always been magical for me, especially during my ups and downs of being a teen in the 80s. Most of the groups I liked then now seem like novelty acts, but not China Crisis. "What Price Paradise" had so much to offer me then with its beauty and majesty...has so much to still offer. I always thought it was sort of ironic that it was my mom of all people who got me into their "Flaunt the Imperfection" when she had always preferred 60s music and had no use for my generation's...but that's another story:)

Since I had loved "FTI" more than life itself, it seemed only logical to get "What Price Paradise" and to this day I still own it. All of the the tracks are lovely, but the four oh-so-breath-taking-I-can't-believe-I'm-not dreaming are "It's Everything" (gloriously comforting and true with its message of everlasting love), "Arizona Sky" (I can close my eyes and picture the sky worshiped here with sincere vulnerability) "Best Kept Secret" (the idea that love between two people should only be their business and their treasure seems especially fitting in today's climate) and "June Bride" (very cute and flirty and sweet.)

Whenever I hear "Arizona Sky" I always think of the cinnamon buns my mom used to make when I was studying for tests and had China Crisis on in my room. Their music, as intelligent and deeply moving as it is and was, has always been my

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