Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I'm up late because I've been having nightmares lately and would rather not have another tonight...

very scary dream early this morning...scary because while the content was scary i didn't flinch at all and what does that say about me? in the dream I was in a room with two metal boxes of organs (all the organs and innards of the human body) that were probably from two different humans and I was supposed to shift through everything...it was extremely slimy and there was someone to the right of me (I don't know who) when all of the sudden a newspaper article (which I couldn't read) and a cat appeared next to me (the cat was my childhood cat Boots, I think)...the cat started purring and said, "See what happens when you fall in love with humans." or maybe it was: "see what happens when humans fall in love."

awfullll except that the cat wanted me to pick him up and hug him, which I did...there were other dreams before that, but I don't remember them...

I think I had the dream because I'd seen a Francis Bacon painting the night before and his stuff always creeps me out:

(be warned: this link will show you one of the creepiest pictures ever!!)


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