Friday, February 12, 2010

...Supernatural Hunger...

I've never been so hungry that I would plunge my hands into a vat of boiling french fries and after watching last night's "Supernatural" I now know I never will be. But that horrific little moment from the episode touches on how bad and dangerous hunger can be...and not necessarily a hunger confined to food. In "My Bloody Valentine" the Winchester brothers find out just what happens when Biblical Famine comes to town.

Ever since "Supernatural" introduced a distinctly Christian background to the show (particularly in a Revelations sense) in the fourth season I have been surprisingly caught up in how raw and un-Touched By An Angel-like a Christian-themed show can actually be. There's no worrying here that at least one character is going to light up like a Christmas tree fifty minutes into the we get a more realistic sense of the Bible's darkness...or at least how realistic a show called "Supernatural" can be.

more on this later...about the White Castle of the angels on "Supernatural" was chowing down on these for most of the episode...his name is "Castiel" and he's played with charming solemnity by actor Misha Collins:

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