Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sometimes I feel like one of those really out-of-touch people with an  insane need for nostalgia and its warped way of making you think everything was wonderful back in the day...but sometimes I also feel like I would bring those "real" days back in a flash...

I'm listening to Snow Patrol's "Cartwheels" (it's absolutely gorgeous and deceptively easy-going  like most of their songs are!)

Up to Now 
and being lulled into this sense of "other" worldliness, something that often comes over me when I'm lost in a really really good song. And I can't believe there was a time when I was free enough with my body to not only want to do cartwheels, but to be able to actually do them...

Childhood is truly a remarkable time in our lives and no matter what kind we have it seems to me that most of us have this incredible talent for making ourselves totally believe anything...Maybe what we need as adults is a (occasionally, of course) strong dose of make believe...because keeping your eyes open all the time kind of hurts...

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