Saturday, February 20, 2010

Moulin Rouge

When I first saw "Moulin Rouge" in the theater it bizarrely bothered me how they could mix modern music with a previous turn of the century setting. I thought, "I'm going to HATE this movie. HATE it!"

But nine years later the soundtrack remains me one of my favorites, if for no other reason than Rufus Wainwright's painfully beautiful "Complainte de La Butte." Boy, can that man sing the Hell out of sad! And he sounds so old world weary, making this the only song that could easily fit in during Moulin's actual time.

And now, it makes perfect sense to me, that mashing of a kind of early 1900s decadence with the best of modern pop songs, with what the cast lacks in the original artist's talent more than making up for in earnestness:)...I mean, the sheer freakish of the "Like A Virgin" scene is more in spirit with Madonna's vision that you might first think...'s getting late and my thought process is slowing...sleep well!!:)

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