Sunday, July 18, 2010

"Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster the People is one of the catchiest songs I've heard in a while. I must have hit repeat at least four times while driving around today (it's a great car song!) and now I'm dying to dance around in my living room to it, but it's almost one in the morning and I don't want to disturb the neighbors.

The words don't really matter, though I can imagine it has some kind of theme. It's the beats (oh God, the beats!) and the haunting, fading vocals (wish I knew the technical term for it) and the whistling (that makes the huge 2007 hit "Young Folks" by Peter Bjorn and John sound just a little too quaint). And no matter how often you play it, it always sounds so fresh and invigorating.

Incredible stuff and you can hear it here....wish I knew more about the band. I first read about them on NME magazine's website but as far as I can tell there's not much talk of them here in the U.S.

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