Thursday, October 21, 2010

Yesterday I downloaded the New York Zombies app to my iPod touch and....well....yikes!!!I like zombies and I like game apps, but this was too much for me, especially with headphones on. The gun sounds so real and the screen touch device you use to navigate rooms and get a visual on the living dead is too clumsy. And even though it's obviously pretend and just a game I felt horrible when I accidentally "killed" a living survivor* instead of a zombie (the Halloween edition comes with pumpkin-head zombies...very, very creepy!) I think I'll pass on this one and replace it with something more sunshiney!:)

*When you let a "living survivor" into your apartment so they can be safe, their "thank you" is oddly disconcerting, especially if they get in the way and you end up shooting them by mistake.

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