Monday, June 27, 2011

LA Vampires & Zola JesusSinger Zola Jesus once said, "I want to write songs about things that are why we're here, what the future holds and the apocalypse...maybe the apocalypse has already started. If you look around America, there's a lot of sadness and a lot of suffering. Most people turn a blind eye to it. I want people to come to terms with it."

As someone who grew up loving the bounce and wackiness of so many of my favorite 80s songs, I can't help but think today's music is so much sadder. People say today's music is worse than their own generation's, but I don't believe that's necessarily true. Maybe it's just that some of the best musicians writing and performing today are more accurately reflecting what's going on around them.

There's less escape and more truth today...and that can be kind of bleak, but it can also be kind of what we need.

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