Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fred Rogers - America's Favorite NeighborColumbo: Mystery Movie Collection 1990

As my insomnia has gotten worse, I've discovered an odd sense of comfort in watching Columbo on dvd, sometimes well into the morning. Maybe it's not that odd, though. Peter Falk always played the beloved detective in the most rumpled and casual way so that could be what ups the comfort level. He certainly is low key, not into tantrums or riling up things:)

But my comfort level also has a lot to do with the content of the movies's a little more complicated than Murder She Wrote and definitely more clever, but not nearly as dark and complex as say today's the gratuitously violent Criminal Minds or the more sincere-intentioned but equally harrowing Law and Order: SVU.

When I was a little girl I always felt so safe when Mr. Rogers was on. I loved the way he talked and put things on and took them off. That's sort of how I feel when I watch Columbo in action.

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