Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving tremors

For some people this picture is Heaven, for others it is Hell. Food isn't supposed to be scary or sinful or any other negative word you can think of to convey how afraid of it you can be. But for some, a table full of enticing food can induce a kind of panic normally reserved for emergencies or life-threatening situations.

I'm not sure if so many people really do enjoy the holidays as much as they seem to or if they're really just good at hiding their pain, distrust, horror or "hurry up and get this over with" attitude.

And I also don't know if it's just me who thinks this or if there are others who wonder why on earth Hallmark has been showing Christmas movies non-stop since the day after Halloween. Seriously, you'd have to be a mighty happy, cynic-free, tons of time on your hands kind of person to want to watch so many holiday movies non-stop.

If you have food problems or family issues that are extremely challenging, you're @#$% out of luck in avoiding the kind of holiday cheer that gets so manic it makes you want to vomit at times.

I don't think it would be so bad if the holidays were about genuine things like kindness and love and, hey, even God. But what makes it especially hard is the commercialism and greedy need for all things electronic and the way strangers treat each other in parking lots and the road.

And the food, oh the food. Family issues aside, for some of us the food is the worst part. The weight of it all can put a pressure on your chest the size of an elephant.

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