Sunday, June 10, 2012

I just finished this terrific novel called Holding On To Faith by Joy Argento. It's still deeply affecting me, largely because it's somewhat rare that lesbian fiction ever deals with religious reservations about being gay, especially with such sincerity and worry.

God knows I've spent most of my adult life going back and forth between wondering if it is wrong and firmly believing all love between consenting adults is perfectly natural. How wonderful it would be if there were absolutely, positively no stigma associated with being gay.

It would be so wonderful I can't even think about it without my whole heart pounding a mile a minute. The way the world could change for so many gay teens, singles and couples living in a world that still largely ostracizes them from socially acceptable love and marriage.

Joy Argento captures the magic and simple love between friends Faith and Sami so touchingly (their feelings for each are pure and loving long before they realize they have romantic and sexual longings as well) I had to put my ereader down a few times and bask in the beauty of it...I totally can relate to the deep and conflicting struggle between loving someone with all your heart and soul and suffering from thoughts and fears of losing your church, your family and your friends.

I like that it ends on a positive note with true love winning out; I just wish it could happen that way for everyone in real life!:)

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