Saturday, June 9, 2012

Just now I went outside to take my huge Hefty bags to the dumpster. I live in a very quiet, well-kept apartment building where everyone is either over the age of 80 or single and always away on business to say it's quiet here is an understatement.

As soon as I got outside I was stunned to discover it was a nice, cool evening (it's been so hot all day) and that new neighbors were throwing a party. The smell of the barbeque and the sound of people genuinely laughing and having a good time reminded me that there is life teeming inside and immediately around this building, it just doesn't seem like it sometimes.

The other day I got in the elevator (determined to follow the "eyes forward, don't talk" etiquette I never seem to follow anywhere else) when I noticed a man in the corner. He seemed as surprised as I did.

"Wow," he began. "I honestly didn't think anyone else lived in this building." We both laughed and it was a nice moment.

The quiet around here is nice, especially when you're trying to get some sleep, but it can also be a bit disarming at times, like the end of the world happened and no one bothered to tell those of us left behind.

The new neighbors and their party was kind of reassuring:)

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