Saturday, August 23, 2014

Last night I dreamed I dropped and broke my glasses during the zombie apocalypse. I was sad, not because it was the end of the world, but because I couldn't read very well. And, of course, non-electronic books with small print were the only ones around.

Food became very scarce and without good vision it was also hard for me to tell the difference between zombies and humans. Everything soon went to Hell.

I finally found a survivor camp and, in the best part of the dream, met a really nice girl who seemed to like me. :) But it was so real (SO REAL!) and we had to get shots (long after things went south) to try and help us not be infected if bitten and the pain I felt stunned me.

I tried to wake myself up, but couldn't and so for a while I thought everything was actually happening. The girl (woman, really, since she was my age) helped me after I stumbled when I rose from the cot to let the next person get vaccinated. 

"I've got you," she said gently, then handed me one of my favorite books ever, holding it close. "And I've got this for you." It was so weird that I recognized the title because I normally can't read or write in dreams (this is apparently a common thing for most people as the part of brain used for reading is "shut off" while we sleep*). That I could see words only made it more convincing that it was real life.

Oddly enough, it was one of the best dreams I've ever had, even if it had scary parts and didn't always make sense.

"Lots of people find they can't read text in a dream, that if they see text it's almost always garbled or hieroglyphics or doesn't make sense or it's fuzzy. People who can read in a dream will still report that the text is not stable; if they look away and then back, it says something different or there's no longer any writing there. So trying to read something in a dream is a good test for lots of people. Others find that things like light switches and other knobs that are supposed to turn things on and off work normally in their real world and don't do what they expect them to in a dream."

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