Saturday, November 29, 2014

"I Love Lucy" in the country episodes...

My insomnia struck hard last night, but I was okay with it because I popped in the sixth season I just bought of "I Love Lucy" and watched an episode I've never seen before.

"Lucy Raises Tulips" is the one where she doesn't know how to turn off the lawn mower she's borrowed from her neighbors and ends up riding all over town. The expressions on her face (we only hear about her scary drive down the Boston Post Road) before and after her out-of-control ride are, as usual with Lucy, priceless.

Vivian Vance (way underrated in the history of comedic talent and always great with her delivery of lines) has one of her best solo scenes ever on the show. Ethel explains to the man on the other end of the phone that Lucy cannot find the switch to turn off the lawn mower. She believes Lucy to still be outside, the nefarious machine twirling her around in circles and then taking her across the backyard, but soon discovers, through the shop owner on the phone, that Lucy is actually driving down main street against her will.

I laughed as hard as I do during the infamous chocolate factory and  vitameatavegamin episodes. Very few things in life make me happier or more at peace than a good Lucy marathon. :)

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