Sunday, December 28, 2014

Mostly odds...

It's been a while since I've read a Kate Sweetney novel (or, in this case, novella) so I'd almost (almost!) forgotten just how adorable, sweet and goofy her stories can be. This is the second smile-inducing read I've had the pleasure to experience this week.

I'm so glad Ms. Sweeney writes frequently (plus, more importantly, very well) so there's always more to look forward to with much eagerness. The Hypotenuse of Love (short as it is) is right up there with her wonderful Winds of Heaven.

Unless, you've been in a place where what you are is still an anathema to more than half the world you just can't imagine the solace you can find in words that help you feel less like a freak and more like a human whose only major crime is wanting to love (and be loved back) just as much as anyone else in the world.

I've gotten past more than I thought I would in 2014, so I hope 2015 is the year I finally stop seeing being gay as a big deal and maybe even find someone special. I'm open to that happening, but since experience has shown me it probably won't happen, I'm content to get my romance from reading.

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