Saturday, December 27, 2014

Some movies (even silly, but thoroughly lovable ones) are of such great comfort to the soul it's hard to find the right words to describe their impact. I am so glad I watched Bringing Up Baby to get out of my funk. It doesn't hurt that I baked brownies too and fixed myself a glass of coconut milk. I've seen the movie dozens of times and yet I never get tired of all its wonderful zaniness.

I laughed like I always do, but this time I cried at the ending, which I never noticed before is so incredibly romantic and sweet. Is there anyone more adorable than Cary Grant when he's flustered? :)

And the chemistry Grant and Hepburn share starts almost from the very beginning, but it's only toward the end where they finally seem to be on equal footing, even if they both almost end up in a gigantic pile of brontosaurus bones.

My second favorite part, that one that gets me every time is when Susan (Katherine Hepburn) and David (Cary Grant) are fighting the wild leopard, not the tame one who is Baby. "I won't leave you David! I love you!" Susan cries when David tries to fight it by himself. It's such a terrific scene because Susan is being selfless and serious for the first time.

But it truly is the ending that makes me cry:

"I've never had a better time," David says after Susan comes to the museum and apologizes for everything that has happened since the moment he met her.

"But...but I was there!" She responds, sounding startled because she is, after all, fully aware that, despite her best intentions, she's pretty much made a mess of all their time together.

"Well, that's why it was so good!"

The very last scene, despite the wacky dinosaur set-up, is also especially memorable because it has its most heartfelt, mutually reciprocated moment:

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