Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tuesday odds and ends...

Selective sound syndrome and misophonia both came up when I typed in a search about certain voices or sounds truly annoying you.

I wouldn't say I experience the rage that is often a symptom, and I don't think I actually have the condition, but I definitely cringe when I hear certain pitches and, definitely, certain songs.

The opposite, almost extreme euphoria, when you hear someone's voice or a song you love so much, is pure joy. 

I love this quote below...when you realize, and truly accept, that someone doesn't love you (or even want your love) there is power in getting over that...once that getting over it actually takes place, of course. I'm not talking about romantic love being returned, that is a given from the start, but even a far more casual love...when even that's not there. Acceptance is key to inner peace and happiness.

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