Monday, March 23, 2015

Almost every day there is an article on Yahoo about radical Christians or the far (far) right wanting to push their views on other people by punishing them legally. Some of these views include very extreme measures such as killing gay people and making sure women "know their place" or don't have easily available and safe access to reproductive health care, even if their lives are at stake.

I don't know if people like Ted Cruz or (to an even larger extreme) men like the lawyer in California who wants to make it legal to kill gay people have a chance in pushing their power further. I don't even want to think about a world like that, I would sooner die first than live there.

Yet there are lots of people who would gladly follow people like Cruz and even Matthew Gregory McLaughlin (the lawyer who is proposing a bill that would advocate the murder of gays and lesbians) and this scares me so much I can barely type this.

As I often wonder sometimes, both as a lesbian and a woman, how do people like this dare to think they speak for God or humanity? I would think even the most hardened homophobic would agree killing people is wrong.

I am constantly amazed that there is mentality we live in a gay friendly country when you can still be fired in 29 states for being gay and many of us struggle for any kind of relationship with our families simply because they cannot accept who we are...

This McLaughlin guy apparently can go ahead with this initiative so that if it gets enough signatures (365,000 according to news reports) it can be on the ballot in November. The scary thing is I think there are actually those who would willingly sign it (and not just through some kind of deception on the part of the people asking for signatures.) This upsets me so much that I can't begin to describe my feelings.

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