Friday, March 27, 2015

Sometimes, I think, there are two kinds of sadness, the kind that numbs you to the point of nothingness and the kind that digs so painfully deep you could only wish you felt nothing. I can never listen to music when I'm the first kind of sad. Nothing helps that.

The second of sad, though, the sadder the music I find, the better. Usually, Bread helps. The sooner I start crying listening to "If," the less emotionally strong I know I am. So I keep listening until I almost feel cleansed and come full circle.

I also like to research things when I'm grasping for straws in a sea of unrest. So I look up more about the things I feel I know have a factual base...if only everything we felt was based on fact or we solve all our emotional problems with fact checks.

Anyway, these two articles are rather interesting and talk more sad music and healing broken hearts.

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