Saturday, March 21, 2015

That darn bed! Sometimes I look at the queen size thing and wonder how something so easily constructed and fairly comfortable and totally ordinary can cause so much heartbreak and trouble in the world.

A bed can be different things to different people and sometimes different things to the same person. I wonder if this is why insomnia is such a problem...because, for some of us, we do everything in bed but sleep.

There was a very pleasant time in my twenties when I was sleeping well and had the best dreams you could imagine...where I read there all the time before going to sleep and totally felt at peace. And when I was little I would pretend my bed was an island and I would take everything I needed with me: books, dolls, pictures. No matter what, I always felt safe and cozy.

Now I almost resent my bed because I can't sleep and somehow I blame the poor inanimate thing even though I'm probably breaking every rule of what not to do in bed by taking my computer and books and music with me.

But which came first? The not sleeping or the bringing everything to bed with me? Even my harmless teddy bears are probably on one of those "do not do this" in bed lists you see side barred in sleep problem articles.

The thing is I have tried the only sleep in bed thing and nothing else, many times over the years, and I still don't sleep. It's only knowing a book, or my music, is not far out of reach that I don't freak out if I find myself with another long night ahead of me.

I read everything I can on insomnia and recently saw this>>>The 32 in "The 32 Solutions for When You Can't Sleep" cracked me up for some reason. 32 Solutions? That's a lot of work to do just to get some sleep! But anything's worth a try:

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