Sunday, April 5, 2015

Dune (and an easily distracted mind) is absolutely driving me bonkers so I just had to take a break.
I feel like I could tolerate homophobia (at least, a little better) if there were certain rules involved, like say, an anti-gay person has no right to speak out against gay marriage if they are divorced or ever cheated on their spouse or been a player (I'm not sure if people still use that word anymore, forgive me if they don't) their whole lives.

Anyone who has never loved someone else with all of their heart and soul (whether returned or not) should also not have a say in who should be "allowed" to love and who shouldn't. And, please, before you speak out against gays marrying, be sincere about whether you are a bigot or you truly feel your religious rights are infringed upon in some way.

If only we lived in a society where how much sex or how little sex or having had no sex at all, ever, would matter less…if we lived in a world where sex’s relation to love could be kept in better perspective (as in you can have love without sex, but not sex without love) and the players of the world realized there is most definitely nothing casual about it and the haters realized love is not just more important than sex, it's not about sex at all.

I’d also like to live in a world where we are more defined by whether we have loving hearts than lovely bodies. I know I'm rambling, maybe not even making sense, but I had to get that off my chest. I get so tired when anti-gay people say "homosexual" instead of "gay," drawing out the former word so that the 'sex' part is especially emphasized. and said with complete disdain.


Lady Disdain said...

"I’d also like to live in a world where we are more defined by whether we have loving hearts than lovely bodies."

How I agree with this. So very much. It's unfair how the world is programmed to judge us based on looks. It seems to be detrimental to both the "attractive" and "unattractive" people - the attractive are, at times, automatically assumed as being sexually promiscuous. Not all of them, of course, but I've seen how even my own friends will be a bit vindictive when a beautiful girl dresses in short/skimpy clothing. And then the way those good-looking people will turn around and treat those that they don't deem good-looking enough - it's all so tiring and unnecessary.

just a girl said...

You are so right! It is all so tiring and unnecessary! I wish we could completely do away with labeling people and instead recognize each other for who we are inside. That sounds both corny and like a cliché, I know, but I still wish that.