Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I have never felt more for a bird in my entire life. At work, we have windows where trees back right up to them and all morning long this bird has been flying into the window (which doesn't open) and knocking himself up quite a bit. 

He also has been sliding down at times so that you are on eye level with him and actually see the frustration he is experiencing. Of course, this could be me projecting my feelings onto him but I do think he is very upset and my heart goes out to him. 

Even if he does think he's attacking another bird (not nice, I know) the frenzy and determination (and utter futility) of what he is doing is very troubling. It feels exactly like someone repeatedly knocking their head against a wall, which is part of what's so troubling about it.

We have tried tapping on the window when he approaches, putting up something to try and deflect the reflection that must be making him think he's seeing another bird, talking to him...but nothing works. The weird thing is even his singing sounds frustrated. I don't know how many times he can hurt himself before he does damage. :(

According to an article I found this is what is actually going on:


...Though it's a few hours later now and he is still at it and it seems so out of the ordinary, even for birds...one of my co-workers thinks the bird might have a brain injury. It seems like that could be it...but it is just so sad to witness no matter what the cause. He is on this loop that is so hard to witness.

I went outside to look closer and to see if anything could be done and this is what he looks like (I couldn't take my own picture since he is so agitated):

When I came back in a customer was watching the bird from inside and she told me it's less common for the tufted titmouse bird (above) to fly into windows repeatedly like this guy has been doing...

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