Monday, October 19, 2015

"Love is just delayed pain, isn't it?" asks a character in the surprisingly good and often poignant "Insidious 3." And I would have to agree. She goes on to say we lose someone we love one way or another. Something about being fragile right now and up late with too many thoughts makes this (for me) one of the scariest lines in the movie. It keeps rolling around in my head for some reason.

And the really scary thing is knowing we can't stop loving even if we wanted to...

...which kind of connects to other pains that come with love, like caring for someone who just does not feel the same way and having to see them on a constant basis :( Though this is geared for people who are actually in a reciprocal relationship and then break up, a lot of what is here can still help with the struggles that come with seeing someone you care for on a regular basis and the hurt that goes with that:

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