Saturday, November 21, 2015

"Appearance should not be mistaken for truth." That is so very true. People who talk but cannot always get their thoughts out very well may actually be secretly and painfully shy and not as idiotic as they appear, private people hiding their hurt may come across as aloof and...jerks, well, jerks may actually really be jerks, but they also may be people who just do not how else to behave. They may even do jerky things not realizing they are acting like jerks.

These are not excuses or justifications, but just the differences between how things may seem and how they actually are. I know because I think you really can just tell sometimes how someone truly sees you and I have seen the politely contained look in someone's eyes that lets me know they think I am an idiot. I know that I unintentionally can most definitely act like an idiot, but I never mean to and I think just maybe, deep down, that I am not as dumb as I feel when I am around people. It really is both weird and horrible that you can really, really like people and yet just be no good around them...

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