Sunday, June 9, 2024

Every day I see more and more hate being spewed towards the queer community, whether it be in news stories written about the far right or on Facebook comments or just something as simple as Fox News or the latest Washington Times Monday diatribe from Dr. Everett Piper.

Homophobes think they have us pegged, but they don’t. They really, really don’t; they don’t know us at all.

We’re not sinners and we’re not pedophiles and we’re not hedonistic or heathens. 

We just want to love and be loved.

I’ve known I was gay for more than 40 years and I’ve never had a girlfriend nor acted on my feelings, even though I’ve been in love.

If it weren’t for my cat, I would be dead. That is simple too, but a simple truth. I am a walking cat lady virgin cliche and yet that is the best part of my life.

I told someone that people needed to see themselves reflected in reality because it was vital to existing in this world that has backslid into demonizing lgbtqia+ people.

They didn’t know what I meant so I told them that the suicide rate among gay youth was double that of straight and how I knew people who had tried to kill themselves because they had nowhere to turn and no one to accept them.

They said "that's not my problem, maybe you shouldn't be gay."

The party that considers itself pro-life is anything but... 

They don’t care about babies once they’re born.

They don’t care about LGBTQ people and don’t care if gay youth kill thrmsekves. In fact, some people seem to celebrate it. 

I am deathly afraid of next year and 2025 because I know Trump is going to win. And the Heritage Foundation has a very scary plan ready to put in place that will affect everyone except straight white men.

Those who hate gay people because they see them as sinful or full of pride have so much to learn. I obviously can't speak for all gay people, but I do know for me that it is not about "pride" (I am not particularly proud I am gay) but about relief that there are other people like me. 

Now, more than ever, that is the lifeboat I am grabbing onto for dear life.

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