Monday, October 14, 2024

If I could talk directly with Donald Trump and know he'd really listen I would ask him so many things:

-Why are you so hateful and nasty and racist and sexist and overall just bastardly? It doesn't matter how industrious or how hard you may have worked to get where you are, it should not come at the cost of your humanity or ours.

-How can you say you will be a woman's "protector" (never mind how cringey that sounds) and yet be so horrible to them?

-How can you have once said you were the most lgbtq-friendly president and yet want to take so many of their rights away...possibly do even worse than that to them?

-How can you take any disagreement whatsover (no matter how small or real or sincere) and turn it into vengeance and punishment for those who do not see things the same way you do? 

-How insecure can you be that you want to go after your critics and people who do not vote for you or who support Kamala Harris? Does that mean you're going to try and go after more than half the country's population?

-Have you ever you truly felt empathy or sorrow for someone else's plight?

-What the H-LL were you thinking choosing JD Vance as your running mate? He's even scarier than you are!

My list could go on and on, but I'll stop here, except to say that the most honest thing you have ever said was back in 2016 when you stated: "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

I fear so much for our future and for all that you will bring to it if you win in November.

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