Wednesday, March 3, 2010

It's my favorite issue of the Baltimore City Paper...the annual Dining Guide came out today...look for it (if you live in the area!) at local bookstores, libraries and in those yellow newstand boxes or click right here:

Reading about food is even better than eating it because there are 0 calories involved and while your taste buds don't get the benefit, there is always the power of memory and your imagination:) This is an actual favorite of many people, from what I've heard, and even has a nickname..."food p*rn"...(rhymes with corn)...I'm afraid if I use the real word my post will be deemed unfit for minors!:)

"Food p*rn," unlike the other kind, is something I can really get into it...I'd much rather look at pictures like this

than at ones of naked people...

As someone who is starting to notice her metabolism drastically (!!!) slow down, I no longer can eat anything I want like I could fifteen years ago. Back then I could eat anything and still stay under 110 my weight balloons if I eat something's a bummer, for sure, but the pictures are (oddly enough) somehow very comforting!

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