The Dead Weather make dark and bleak sound beautiful and lovely...I can't get enough of either "Horehand" or "Sea of Cowards"...both albums are so raw and amazing it's as if every note reaches inside me and takes everything out, replacing it all with something halfway between the blues and gut-wrenching sensuality...wish I could truly do these two cds the justice they deserve!:)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
The Dead Weather make dark and bleak sound beautiful and lovely...I can't get enough of either "Horehand" or "Sea of Cowards"...both albums are so raw and amazing it's as if every note reaches inside me and takes everything out, replacing it all with something halfway between the blues and gut-wrenching sensuality...wish I could truly do these two cds the justice they deserve!:)
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Three AWESOME novels about music I hope to get the time to write about soon...hope you're having a great week!:)
The first is witty, sometimes a bit too dry and serious, but always interesting and very British 60s music...the second is (for me, at least) a bit far-fetched plotwise, but has a lot to say about music and music criticism and the's spunky and fun and truly captures the spirit behind loving music more than almost anything else in life (the cover is fabulous!)
Monday, June 21, 2010
What do you get when you merge super kitschy Lawrence Welk with the best mixers around? Upstairs at Larry's: Lawrence Welk of the biggest guilty pleasures ever! One track, in particular, by the Curt Ramsey Quintent, is called "Let's Go Dance Again" and is so unbelievably earnest and non-cheesy that you can't believe anyone could so successfully make Lawrence Welk's music so so cool...
The rest of the album keeps that same spirit and though Upstairs has been out for a few years now it still sounds fresh and somehow amazingly adorable without being precious...I love it so much; it's always within reach if I want to listen...
If you want something that's going to keep you up and on your feet all night, then Bionic is perfect for you! I've been listening to it all afternoon and it's very, very, very danceable! It reminds me that while I mostly listen to music because it reaches inside my heart and touches my soul there are perfectly acceptable times for something a bit mindless that challenges your feet not to move!:)
Bionic's a highly sexualized album and sounds more like something Lady Gaga would do than Aguilera herself would. There are also heavy Mia, Gwen Stefani and Rihanna influences...nothing wrong with those, of course, but still surprising because Aguilera is usually her own girl...especially strong tracks are: "Not Myself Tonight" (she ain't kidding!), "Desnudate" (because "naked" would be too tacky, right?:) ), "Glam," "Woohoo" and "My Girls" (reminds me of something off of Gwen Stefani's Love. Angel. Music. Baby.)
Most of amazing of all? Aguilera's voice is strong enough to rise above the 'noise' many singers' voices get lost amidst all the techno sounds...but the beats are out of control!!! So it's time to go and exercise some more!
I originally wrote about "Lost and Delirious" previously both here and on Amazon a few years ago, but this movie continues to hold a place in my heart, especially on certain mornings when I awake from one of my weird recurring dreams of a long ago broken heart..not really similar to this situation that much, except in intensity of feelings...the thing I think most striking about (and the key to getting over) broken hearts and not being able to let go is this: the person who stomped all over your emotions doesn't care, so why should you? (Of course, that's most definitely easier said than done and I'm not sure we can always speak for what happens in our dreams and why the past often haunts them...)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
"Ok, just go ahead and rip my heart out now!" That's what I want to say to albums that wreck havoc with my emotions. The other day when I went to get my mail there was this huge package in the order I put it in from my favorite music magazine The Big Takeover. Along with the current issue and two back issues was this mix cd casually put together with a typed label, scotch tape and (inside the case) handwriting scrawled across the cd itself.
I just got around to listening to it and boy, is it only the way an "undiscovered" band sounds...this one song ("No More Yesterdays") by Springhouse is threatening to undo's so beautiful and sad. The past few weeks had left me a bit jaded with mainstream music and its sometimes over-produced sounds, but this little gem is just gorgeous...and its lack of pretentiousness makes it all the better...
Here Springhouse for yourself:
The man behind The Big Takeover is Jack Rabid:
I just got around to listening to it and boy, is it only the way an "undiscovered" band sounds...this one song ("No More Yesterdays") by Springhouse is threatening to undo's so beautiful and sad. The past few weeks had left me a bit jaded with mainstream music and its sometimes over-produced sounds, but this little gem is just gorgeous...and its lack of pretentiousness makes it all the better...
Here Springhouse for yourself:
The man behind The Big Takeover is Jack Rabid:
(a great book for anyone who's a fan of Audrey actress who definitely kept herself out of the limelight)
There are some days (many, actually) when you (or rather, those of us who can't seem to keep our mouths shut) wonder, "why on earth did I just spill my guts to a complete stranger?" And since blogging can often feel like that, I doubly wonder...I really, really admire and respect private people...there is something elegant and beautiful about privacy...and it's not just the veil of mystery that surrounds those who keep to themselves, but the dignity that fits them like a second skin.
The first person I fell madly in love with (or so it felt at the time) was like that...never said anything frivolous or unimportant...every word was thoughtful and full of meaning and if the speaker were aware that words could be weapons or things that could come back and haunt you someday.
There are some days (only some) when I wonder whatever happened to x (my mysterious crush from oh so long ago) but in perfect keeping with that ever-so-out-0f-reach persona, x is not on facebook, myspace or anywhere online...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I can't stay away from here sometimes...I'm reading Aldous Huxley's Point Counter Point right now and finding it to be a rather interesting read...more so than Brave New World. In Point Huxley's drug and sex side comes through more and his characters' attitudes about love...rather refreshingly honest. But I've just started so I'll need to read more to comment....I love the cover of the above edition by the way...especially the reviewer's blurb!!
My edition has a distinctly 19th century look to the cover...more soon!
My edition has a distinctly 19th century look to the cover...more soon!
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