Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A certain ambience?

It's late and I'm eyeing the Ambien pill on my kitchen table, not sure if I'm brave enough to take it. I've tried so many different ways to find the perfect sleep and have failed to catch on to something that works well. For so many many of us who suffer from insomnia there is probably very little we wouldn't do to get some decent rest.

My friends who take it rave about Ambien, but I've heard the horror stories, about people waking up the next day to find they've eaten the entire contents of their refrigerator, that (in some more bizarre, drastic cases) they've gotten into their cars and driven across town on some errand they later cannot recall. Other stories mention people calling, emailing or texting relatives in the middle of the night, making little sense and having no memory of doing so the next morning.

I've combed dozens of articles and message boards and for every positive experience, there's one that counters it. And several people warn against taking Ambien if you live by yourself, with no one to try and wake you up asking, "What the hell are you doing?"

I don't drink (at all) for the very reason Ambien scares me: what if I wake up somewhere else the next morning with no idea what I've done?

Maybe I'll stick with melatonin and try and make my relationship with it work...however, if I'm back in a few hours going on and on about Smurfs, zebras and wild white ponies, you'll know I took some.

I wish you sweet dreams and good rest!! :)


Lady Disdain said...

That stuff sounds frightening! I, personally don't suffer from insomnia and can only imagine how difficult it must be. I really hope you do manage to get some rest!

just a girl said...

It does sound frightening, doesn't it? I ended up not taking it. The Ambien is still sitting in my medicine cabinet.

I'm so glad you don't suffer from insomnia. It's no picnic!:)

Thanks, by the way! I have been sleeping better the past few nights. Good sleep comes and goes or at least it feels that way sometimes.

Pleasant dreams!:)