Thursday, April 24, 2014

Ever since I first heard "Chasing Cars" years ago I have been completely and most biasedly in love with Snow Patrol's sound. It can be uplifting to the human spirit and devastatingly sad for the soul at the same time. I pretty much cannot be trusted when it comes to reviewing anything by Snow Patrol because they could just sing the phone book and I'd be right there, ready to listen.

"Lifening" is my favorite from Fallen Empires (how can your breath not catch when Gary Lightbody sings: 'To share what I've been given/Some kids eventually/And be for them what I've had/A father like my dad'?) His voice is magical, perfect poetry.

And just as they have on previous albums, they make your heart break pretty much throughout every song. The closest thing to dance they've probably ever done is "Called Out In The Dark." But just because their mood rarely wavers doesn't mean they repeat the same old thing over and over. There's "The Garden Rules" sad (which is pretty darn sad) and then there's mellow sad ("Those Distant Bells.") The subtle sounds of electronica that appear on such likable tracks as "The Symphony" are kind of new for them, if I'm not mistaken.

The title track sounds different than anything Snow Patrol's done before and "The Symphony" (it's kind of sensual,almost something you softly can groove to) and "The President" are two other stand-out tracks. I love everything here, but you can't really take my word on that, can you? :) You have to listen for yourself.

Maybe some lines from Snow Patrol sum it up best: "A record plays/A song that you've not heard/It is perfect/It is home."

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