Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday odds and ends...

I actually slept last night and had this amazing dream that I was in San Francisco, somewhere I've never been before. At some point in the dream I realized I was dreaming and "woke up" in the dream like you can when you're lucid dreaming. I was underneath the Golden Gate Bridge looking up and it was so incredibly detailed I was blown away.

I've only lucid dreamed (dreamt?) a few times in my life, one of which I loved because I got to have a really neat talk with my long-departed and beloved grandmother. Lucid dreaming (for me) is incredibly hard, but when it does happen it's like no other rush I know...except for musically-inspired ones.

This article examines the power and benefits of lucid dreaming:

Also kind of related, this article on being a morning person versus a night owl...from a recent New Yorker:

Other things today:

Below is a great tribute for Leonard Nimoy from the Verge website. I loved In Search Of as a child. For me it was always about that voice of his, whether he was narrating something or appearing on Fringe:

Nimoy was there too, when I sat down cross-legged on our living room carpet to watch episodes of In Search Of. The show was a kind of Cosmos for crazy murders and conspiracy theories, and with Nimoy narrating, I loved it. It was his voice: Calm. Commanding. Instant gravitas, but never off-putting. It was the kind of warm, almost paternal presence that invited you into a story, telling you This is important, and you will want to see what happens.

You can read more here:

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